Hangout with Nicole!

Nicole has loved being able to speak to so many people from the KOCH community. She spoke at the Westlake High School fashion show benefiting Community First Village, spoke on a podcast at McCombs Business School for the Kendra Scott Institute, she visited the University of Arkansas to speak about entrepreneurship, and so much more.
Do you want Nicole to come spread some joy on your campus, participate in a podcast, speak at your event or drop in to your sororities chapter night? She would love to speak to you about joymaking & risktaking, how to build a brand, being Made in America, female empowerment, and so much more! Fill out the form with your information, let us know when you want Nicole to come, why the event is taking place, and where she would come (zoom is always an option). We will get back to you ASAP so we can continue spreading the joy all over the United States!